I began weaving and spinning yarns as a hobby while working full time in the aerospace industry. After I retired from my day job I began working full time on my weaving business. I love all kinds of yarn and the wonderful products that are both functional and beautiful made from yarn.
Everyday I go to my studio and weave and plan for my next project and count myself very blessed.
I've always been interested in fiber crafts starting with knitting and crocheting when I was a child. I always have at least two unfinished knitting projects in bags in my house. While I was still living in Virginia, I started taking yarn spinning classes in Alexandria VA to supplement my knitting stash. But I kept having to walk past the weavers to get to the back of the workshop and what they were doing looked so wonderful. Now my spinning supplements my weaving supplies.
I have also explored many ways to add color to my fiber, before spinning and also to the cloth I use to create clothing and handbags. This path has taken me to Japanese Shibori resist techniques and natural dyeing. I really love the amazing colors that natural dyes create, they truly reflect nature.
I am currently focused on developing my tapestry weaving skills. I gravitated towards tapestry because I wanted a technique that would help me express the concepts and emotions that I am feeling artistically. This path has driven me to develop my drawing skills and to refine my knowledge of color.
I am happiest when I am learning, and my fiber art is an endless adventure of learning.
If you love fiber too, I encourage you to follow my blog and let me know about your experiences as well.
You can contact me by email BurcinL08@verizon.net.